Implications of diet and exercise with interaction of allelic variations in the Berlin Fat Mouse line

Coordinator:    Prof. Dr. Gudrun Brockmann
Institution: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften
The subproject “Interaction effects of diet and exercise on the Berlin Fat Mouse with different allelic variations” concerns the investigation of weight regulation in response to exercise and diet as well as the implications of weight gain and weight reduction (weight cycling) on the health status. It is known that obesity leads to pathological alterations which might be initiated by white fat tissue. The final goal is to find targets and sustainable strategies for the prevention and therapy of obesity in humans. As a model, we will use a mouse line (BFMI860), which was bred for high fatness and had therefore a genetic predisposition for obesity. However, not only genes but also the environment contributes to obesity. In our mouse line, we want to test the effects of genes, exercise and diet on body weight as a strategy for weight loss in humans. The information on obesity-associated genes will be followed up in studies of human populations. If we know these genes, individual adjusted therapies could be developed. Furthermore, the impact of weight cycling on the health status shall be investigated. So far, little is known about the medium and long-term implications of weight cycling. Long-term negative effects of weight cycling have been described in humans. However, the underlying pathogenic mechanisms are unclear. Therefore, mice, as having a comparatively short life span, are particularly suited to study long-term effects under controlled genetic and environmental conditions.

Figure.  Mouse of the line BFMI860 (left) in comparison to a normal weight  B6 mouse (right).


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