Mathematical Modelling and Analysis

Coordinator:    Dr. Franziska Matthäus
Institution: Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für wissenschaftliches Rechnen
The aim of this project is the mathematical modeling and analysis of processes involved in alcohol addiction and treatment. Hereby we develop models for macroscale (behavior) down to microscale processes (gene interaction).
Concerning drinking behavior, we analyze and model animal drinking behavior. Our experimental partners at ZI Mannheim provide time series of water and alcohol consumption at very high time resolution. The time series are analyzed and the number and types of different drinking patterns are determined. The types of drinking patterns are correlated with signs of alcohol addiction at later stages. The results of this project will allow a prediction of the risk of a future alcohol addiction based on the drinking behavior at early stages of alcohol admission.
In a further project a mathematical model describing the brain neurochemistry is developed. This model also describes the interaction between chemistry and electrical signal transduction in the brain, and is used to study the influence of alcohol on the dynamics of the neurotransmitter concentrations. Of particular interest hereby is the role of glutamate and the simulation of possible therapies.
On the microscale we focus on a structural analysis of the network of gene-regulatory interactions, with special emphasis on genes involved in alcohol addiction. The analysis will help to identify key genes of the network and possible targets for alcohol treatment.
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